10 Camera Shots/angles

August 24, 2022

Today I was working on 10 Camera Shots and Angels with my group mates Brian V and Michael C and I was the camera man and they were my actors.

1. Establishing shot - showing the setting of how we’re in the library during the day.

2. Master Shot - Getting a close to medium shot with 2 actors showing that these 2 are students of the library 

3. Close Up - Me as the camera man gets close to Michael’s face to show his eyes, beard, hair, etc

4. Mid-Shot - Me taking an Angle of Brians Waist to up to his head.

5. Long Shot - Of Brian and Michael looking through the books at the book section

6. Wide Shot - This time Brian and Michael are looking through the books but this time a wide shot of almost every other bookcase in the library 

7. Two Shot - Brian and Michael are now having a conversation as a two shot

8. Aerial Shot - This time I’m the actor and a Aerial shot of me chilling of the floor

9. POV Shot - This time Brian is the camera man and him recording a POV of himself and his hands walking around 

10. Over the Shoulder - a over the shoulder shot of Michael’s shoulder and him and Brian playing Rock Paper Scissors 

11. High Angle - A High arch shot of be recording Brian

12. Low Angle - Capturing a low Angle of Brian showing how he’s the biggest and baddest one in the library 

13. Dutch Angle - Lastly a Dutch Angle of Michael and him looking a little bit salty 

At the end how I could describe this whole project as a fun get together and joke around with me and my friends to reinforce are ideas what these shots and angles that we went over with Dr.Dup. Luckily for most of my shots we got it first try though I do regret me trying to do high angel as I'm 5ft3 and Brian the amazing actor for most of these shots is a good 5ft8 so I had to stretch my arms way high in the sky. Considering how all of our shots were in a Library I'd say we did a good job and should apply for some roles for some marvel movies. To sum it all up it was a nice activity I was made to do made some laugh with friends while through all the jokes learning and made a nice blog in the end talking about my journey of being the best camera man in the class.


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