
 Well, to start off what I've learned about storyboarding, is that I'm obviously the worst drawer on this planet, and as well as me definitely not being the reincarnation of Picasso. But going back to the subject storyboarding is practically the scenes you see in the moving and includes everything from lighting - angels basically everything I've learned in Digital Media Studies but just drawn down with paper and pencil and drawing as well as writing the bullet points of your scene and what you're intending to have in the scene that way it looks the same way or even better than what you attended when focusing on your storyboard. The most important thing about storyboarding is to not focus on the drawing but on all the bullet points you want to have of all of your mise-en-scene and camera shots...etc and just being able to get others to understand what you want to happen in this specific scene that way it can play out the way you want and there being absolutely no confusion plus with just purely doing visuals everyone may not get what they're seeing as due to everyone just sees things differently. Further on though minimal I did have some problems with number one obviously being me having (NBATD) Not Being Able To Draw syndrome but as well as trying to identify some of the scene's camera movement I was confused with either the camera angel was just panning or could it be panning and handheld or is handheld panning but without having to state its panning as well due to handheld automatically moving left to right so I wouldn't have to state it so note to myself I got to work out a couple kinks before I could truly master all my camera shots, angels,  and everything else. 

                      The movie I chose to do a story about is called Lethal Attraction 

Movie Link: 



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