Sample of Exam

 In this 5 minute clip of agent Carter we get multiple shots of angels and compositions, multiple cuts as well as transitions and to top it all uff we also get sound and mise-en-scent on the side. With this being a marvel clip me start off with the classic close up with the multiple comics with the background sound of pages being flipped then a transition to the word. MARVEL all chining into theme if its made by Marvel audience is going to love this. Then it moves to a highkey lighting with multiple close shots between Captain America and Meggie and their dialogue showing these two have a strong hand with and unather. moving forward we proceed to see a eyeline of captin America and a picture of Meggie giving Audience a hint that these two are lover creating a more sadden mood within the audience as they know what's to come. We then get two more close up of the twos married face creating. A relationship with some people in the audience who lost a love one due to war or any other reason. Continuing we get a medium rest of Captain America with his ruit and then in the middle a star logs creating a sense he's as bright as one no matter what situation occurs until the very end. To end this specific scene we get a high and wide angle of Captain America and the jet going down creating a feeling within audience that sometimes we all have to make a sacrifice and may have to go through it all by ourselves. We then get a fade transition to New York City us it says by the text and yet a location of an office by which the audience knows by the master shot of multiple people in suits with the common Colors of gray, blue, and white all common colors of what people would wear in an office. Moving forward use then see the boss who we know may be important applied by the tracking shot of him. Getting the audience to question who is this person? We then get a zoom-in on Meggies annoyed expression giving a connection with the audience in which they too have bosses they don't like. Continuing with a two-shot and multiple eyeline between the two it helps with creating a normal conversation as just and static shot with no cuts to the other person would seem to give a gray boring impression to the audience. Furthermore we get a low-key lighting and a eyeline of Meggie looking at a  old photo of Captain America creating a feeling of sadness and denying  of captain America amongst audience. We then get a wide angle shot at Meggie all alone creating a since of women unfairness making women in the audience feet for her as the rest of the colleges make her finish the rest of their work. Moving forward we get a close up cut to u phone making a synchronization alarm sound giving off the color red all adding into the theme of danger. Then we get a low key lighting and tracking shot of Meggie walking into a office. And then multiple eyeline cuts of the of the crooks and eyeline of them and Meggie with then multiple jump cuts with of each body part Meggie hitting creating a thrill feeling in the audience as well as girl power too.


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